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Pisces. Wellness Enthusiast and Healthy Lifestyle promoter.

Hi there I am Anna-Maya

I live deeply. I care deeply. I learn deeply. I teach deeply.

I was born and raised in Switzerland. To some of you, that could explain some of my differences. I don’t always understand some of the cultural nuances that many of my people here in America live and experience. I know that many of my international people understand this dilemma.


Having lived in the United States now for over 43 years, it surprises even me that there are some of these differences.  Why I tell you all this is two fold. One to give you some background  and second and more important is to explain that because of this possibly unique experience, my deep understandings have been based on three very important principles:  search for truth, health, and love.


These are universal, aren’t they?

I was born with digestive issues that started my search for health very early. Fifty years ago in Switzerland it was normal for our family doctor to send us to the pharmacy to pick up natural remedies and even essential oils. Eating a healthy diet was one healthy foundation that my family did provide and I am thankful every day that this was instilled in me early on.

My family was very dysfunctional. Negativity surrounded me on a minute to minute basis. In order to escape and survive my predicament, I would often hide out and imagine myself as a princess in a perfect world where there was no fear or financial problems. Knowing what I know now, this imagination was actually my first experience with the law of attraction. Who knew I was such a trendsetter. The life I live now I imagined over and over. It really was more than imagine, in my mind I actually lived in this perfect world. Today, I have my prince charming, my husband Jim. I live a life of abundance and I stay true to my imagining and life just gets better and better.

Before leaving Switzerland, I went to college and studied biochemistry and other wellness therapies. This education provided me with the scientific knowledge to understand the interconnections of the mind, body and spirit. My learning continues to grow as well. I count myself very grateful for the strong teachers that I have been blessed by. Gary Young, Harv Eker, Jim Rohn, Darren Hardy and Les Brown just to name a few. I discovered that life is more than just imagining that it is a process and I have the choice and power to live the life I love.

As you can imagine, my passion comes from sharing and teaching many of the principles that have helped me become the person I am today. When it comes to health, many only consider their physical bodies. I understand in order to live this real live princess life (vibrant and healthy) I have, I must pay attention to my spiritual, mental and emotional bodies as well. Ancient cultures pointed to these connections. You can say that I have devoted my whole life to transformation with healthy habits that support this balance.

So the next step in my journey, I want to attract more like-minded people.  We share the beliefs that our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, healthy habits and actions have a significant impact on not only our personal physical and emotional wellbeing but on our planet as well.

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